Contracting Strategies
for Network Modernization
Commands throughout DoD are faced with an evergrowing need to replace their legacy TDM networks with modern digital infrastructure.
Creating a simplified acquisition method within AF that could be extended to the Space Force (and potentially to all of DoD) would enable the government to “improve performance, capability, capacity, agility, and security while reducing cost and complexity”. A BPA or Enterprise Agreement for Optical Networking that includes a Network as a Service option, professional services, and managed services will be the fastest, easiest way to achieve mission outcomes.
Our Team members serve as trusted advisors to Air Force decision-makers and can help explain how this strategy can add value to existing modernization efforts while maximizing cost avoidance. We can provide details on the business case, small business participation, technology solutions, pricing models, and service level agreements. We want to help and look forward to meeting with you to show you how.